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Hi Oasis fans around the world, let me tell you a bit about myself. This site was made by me Morgan in my spare time. I'm 15 years of age from Northern Ireland and I like music (oasis), F1 racing (McClaren Mercedes, Williams BMW, BAR Honda and I think Michael Schumacher is a complete wanker) I also like to play some footie. All that kinda stuff so now that I can't think of anything more to say I guess thats it. Apart from that Oasis are the best band in the world ever and hopefully i will get to see them one day if i can get tickets. It's hard though since there is soo much demand for oasis they are soo popular and nearly always sell out.

My Site
I am a lone web site builder as there's just one of me it can make things difficult like updating the site regularly and reply to e-mails. I do try my best to contact and keep updating the site. And bring you the news that you want to hear, and the news that you don't. My knowledge of Oasis is not that great but I would like to think I could answer most questions about them. Anyway if you bother to go through this site and read this thanks very much and please tell people about as traffic is hard to come by when you're starting off a site thanks!!!!

Me and my friend Gareth (Garo) also made a website he did the quads and some Oasis stuff and I did the rest of the Oasis stuff. It's not a bad site I would recommend you would pay it a visit. We rarely update it though so some of the news may be out of date, www.garoandmorganspage.50megs.com

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